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The Liberation of Mustafar
It was foretold that the destruction of the Bright Star would bring about the return of Mustafar to the way it once was: verdant, green, and alive. Then the Star was shattered in the Fortress of Lord Vader, and for the first time in years the Mustafarians had hope.
But the Empire returned, again and again, to beat them down.
The black skies did not change, the burning earth did not heal.
Many grew weary, broken down by the fight.
The current occupying remnant is only the most recent of a world long oppressed.
One day, a young, restless Mustafarian, Vvvp, stumbled upon a hollow in the volcanic rock, where he found within a single, solitary growth: a new tree.The discovery is proof that the healing has begun, however long it may take.
The news heralds a new age for the Mustafarians—once more they have something to fight for, a society to build on behalf of the descendents who will come after them.But the Remnant is brutal, and the Mustafarians are few. A plea goes out to the FREEDOM FIGHTERS, who, with the help of the JEDI, go to help free the planet once and for all.
Fighting a ground war on Mustafar isn't exactly the easiest thing a person will ever do.
Air cover from the 2nd Fleet's fighter squadrons helped during the initial landing, but the Remnant was dug in, and after a couple of brutal days, so were the 2nd Fleet's grounded marines. They were going to charge the encampment on the hill the very next morning. It wasn't a suicide run; a special operations team led by one of the Jedi Knights was in the field at that very moment, infiltrating the enemy fortress to create a clear path. The marines who had heard of Jedi knew they were supposed to work miracles. They could definitely use one now.
Until the charge, they waited. The smell of sulfur thick in the air, the heat boiling up from out of the ground. The kits they brought were thin, but long-sleeved. Suited for mountain fighting on warm planets, but there were warm planets, and then there was Mustafar. Even if it didn't actually help, many of the Platoon's fighters had ditched their kits days ago. They'd made camp on a ridge, looking down into the lava fields. They had a Mustafarian guide with them who had become absolutely invaluable for his knowledge of the geography and his passionate hatred for the Empire. The rest of his people were fighting on the second front, or defending the villages from retaliation.
Tensions were high, as they always are on nights like that. Many of the marines had seen action at Telos IV, Ankus, Ilum, Fondor, and Rishi. But there were a few greenhorns among the rest - family members who had just hit the age to qualify for volunteer service, or New Republic quitters who were desperate for a fight. A couple of new believers in the cause, who knew all too well what they had signed up for.
One of the medics, a Wookiee called Moftawarro, saw an opportunity. He spoke with another of his people, Luftalumpa, and they agreed. It was nearly Life Day, a sacred tradition on their homeworld. A time of joy, and celebration. Perhaps they could bring a little bit of the Life Day spirit to Mustafar.
They recruited two marines; Sergeant Wal-Ess who was known as a decent singer, and Private Davyz, known for dancing back on his homeworld of Atrisia.
"Well, I don't suppose I know any - any Wookiee songs," said Wal-Ess. "But I'd sure be honored to give it a try."
Moftawarro told them he'd accompany on his Melodium, which he never went into the field without. It wasn't long before the rag-tag performers hit the makeshift stage full-tilt, blasting through old favorites and cantina songs, old hymns, and one song led by Luftalumpa, while Davyz warbled hopefully along beside him. Their comrades watched and clapped and danced along too, when the spirit caught them.
The marines of Vandal Section all agreed; it was the most fun any of them had ever had on the battlefront.

(This isn't actually an LTC build. It was supposed to be, but with the Episode ending I was bound to forget something, and that something I forgot was the LTC size limit. Thanks for looking, and Happy Holidays!)
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order
Good to see a new hit from Wal-Ess and Davyz! Gosh, I love White Christmas!
@cyrusbuilds I really liked the idea of Danny Kaye trying to sing along to a traditional wookiee hymn. I can see the faces he'd make in my head
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order
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GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries