For the last 40 years, the galaxy has been defined by either war or tyranny, and for the last 10 years, it has been defined by both. Now war and tyranny are over. The Rebellion against the Empire officially concluded just months ago on Jakku, but the war to overthrow the Emperor’s regime was fought on thousands of worlds. The galaxy is in a new era of uncertainty and hope. Survivors rebuild, and look to the future.
Episode I is focused on fleshing out your Faction’s past and present, based around the paradigm shift that is the end of the Galactic Civil War. This should facilitate every Faction telling stories of their history and their new status quo.
While the effects of the war rippled far, not every Faction was involved in the fighting. If your Faction was not, feel free to depict that, too.
There are three categories:
Category A – Final Days
Create an immersive scene based on the theme: what was your Faction doing during the last days of the fighting?
Category B – Rebuilding
Create a build based on the theme: With the war over, what does an average day look like for your Faction? Your moc must be no larger than 36×36 studs in footprint.
Category C – Homeworld
Create a microscale build of your Faction’s home world/capital. Your moc must be no larger than 36×36 studs in footprint.
- Participants may only submit one build entry per category.
- All builds earn XP and Credits, and IP or RP if built on eligible systems.
- Category A may be set on any world. Category B and C must be set on your Faction’s home world/capital.
- The Episode will run from May 4th to July 15th.
- Builds begun before May 4th, 2024, are not eligible as Episode entries.
The Faction that scores the most will win the Episode, and be awarded:
- 30.000 Credits
- One Ship build from a previous season, to be used for the faction’s Starfleet.
- The ‘Galactic Renown’ medal for Episode victory.
The Runner-Ups will have their choice of one of these prizes.
The player who scores the highest will have their pick of a Lego Set Prize. One player, selected at random from those who posted for all 3 categories, will also win a set prize.
Episode I Results!
The war is over. The fabric of the galaxy is forever changed. New powers, new peoples, new hopes and goals to strive for. Machinations are underway. A new life has been carved out from the old regime for trillions. For some, the Empire will fade and become a distant memory. For others, the promise of a new Empire is the very thing that drives them forward.
Under the eye of the New Republic, freedom is being restored. As the Republic works to negotiate with the surrendered remains of the Empire, and secure worlds threatened by militaristic holdouts, corrupt corporations and criminal organizations flee to the Outer Rim.
Many worlds have thrown off the reins of the Emperor with nothing but sheer force of will, eager to chart a new course for themselves.
Now the new era begins in earnest. Welcome to a time where anything can happen. How will you be part of guiding the destiny of the galaxy?
Total points: 467
Number of players: 19
Number of entries: 30
Results by Faction:
FF – 53
HSY – 112
AM – 36
AI – 51
PA – 18
PC – 21
RM – 16
KP – 51
BSB – 53
NR3F – 56
Prize results:
1st: HSY :0HSY:
2nd: NR3F :0NR3C:
3rd: FF/BSB :0FF: ⚔️:BRYX:
Highest scoring player eligible for the prize: LamborghiniWaffleSauce
Eligible for the raffle:
Montival bricks, drunknpirate