On the Planet of Ra'un
A great evil has been revealed to the galaxy, the Scaoth Horde. All factions of the galaxy must come together and help in anyway they can to destroy this monstrous threat. To win this war, different objectives have been given to certain groups to accomplish. One such of these objectives is the demolishment of multiple machine gun nest that are hindering forward advancements. To accomplish this, a group of battle hardened mercenaries have been chosen to be the backbone of this assault. May the Force be on their side...
The Scaoth Horde
The Imperials
The Old N' Faithful Mercenary Company
The New Republic Troopers
Hey everyone! I know this is cutting it close for the deadline but I hope you enjoy! This was a challenge but was super fun for me to build and I would love to do more builds like this in the future. Like before, hope you enjoyed and see you in the future!
Very cool figs, and rockwork/height were nice touches!
@cosmic-studios Thank you so much! I defiantly put a ton of time into developing the figs and enjoyed the process!
What a fight! There's some rough edges here and there with the rocks and freeform, but a solid build all around. Those "Edges" are easier to avoid if you plan out your SNOT height accordingly.
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order