[Episode III - Part...
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[Episode III - Part II] Free the Monks of Kwai Mora - Scourging the Scaoth

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Spud The Viking
Posts: 322
Reputable Member Akko Missions Faction Leader
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As the cities of Ra'un saw bitter fighting to be liberated from the Scaoth, a small detachment of soldiers were sent on a trek south-west to the Monastery of the Kwai Mora.

A ragtag group of Pentastar Alignment Navy troopers, Imperial Consortium Death Troopers, and New Republic commandos.

There was also a mysterious probe droid which followed along, some believed it was another one of the Imperial Remnants', but this one had bloodstains on one of its sensors.


The motley crew marched upwards across the mountains, reaching the Monastery at noon.

Upon arriving, their enemies sprang out of the compound to meet them.

Fierce fighting ensued, with the armoured Scaoth wielding heavy melee weapons.

The foes were overcome, and the Monks were freed.

No longer was their place of sanctuary defiled by such a savage group.



To the chief musician, a Psalm of the Kwai Mora Monks, after being delivered:

Praise Him. Praise Him all you people.

Sing with gladness as He has heard our prayers.

He has heard our cries and delivered us.

In our distress He has heard the cries of His people.


He is our strength and our defender.

Even as our oppressors compass us about, He will not forget us.

Though death compass us about, we shall not be afraid.

For He will send even the gentiles to our aid.


We will call upon You, who is worthy to be praised, so shall we be saved from our enemies.


Additional Details:

I wanted to have the combatants in black, contrasting with the brighter-coloured landscape and monastery, and have the monks in white.


Additional details posted after the initial deadline:


Inspiration for Ra'un:

Inspiration for the Monastery:

For the building, inspiration came from other SW monasteries like Jabba's Palace or Teth. I really like the round towers of Kenshi, with the short and round roof that really suits Star Wars.


With all that was going on irl, it was incredibly difficult to finish this build for the initial deadline.

I am pleased with how it came out, given I only had a small amount of hours to start and finish the whole build (apart from the tower base) before posting.

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Spud The Viking

Leader of Akko Missions | GM

Posted : 31/03/2023 9:13 pm
Posts: 120
Trusted Member Followers of the Force

Lovely build, I can appreciate the poem too!

Posted : 01/04/2023 6:38 am
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

Lovely build! Yeah the psalm is a brilliant touch to the story - very immersive! You can almost hear the monks chanting! 😉

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 12/04/2023 9:29 am
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader

The psalm is so cool. Your main shot is looking a bit washed out, I like the one on the orange background more just because it pops better. The composition on here is so so good, I love the building and the rockwork and all of it. Maybe something to flesh out the red, another color perhaps? It feels a little monochromatic and overly saturated to me. But you pulled off the vision so well.

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 12/04/2023 3:13 pm
Spud The Viking
Posts: 322
Reputable Member Akko Missions Faction Leader
Topic starter

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Leader of Akko Missions | GM

Posted : 24/04/2023 1:06 pm