Last seen: Nov 14, 2024
@darth-bjorn well, Wookieepedia helped 😂
Is that a reference to the Lost City of the Jedi I spot? Love it! Very creepy build. The way the platform extends out over the earth gives the impress...
It’s true - who can say no to a free ronto wrap! Like the shout out to Darth Malgus. Nice depth to the cave and snow work.
Nice one Bjorn.I really like the mad scientist. Clever use of that large face and works v well in context of this LTC. I’m guessing a Force-sensitive ...
The squid man heads works well as a Massassi Sith!
Love it, Bill. The colour including the the background makes it really vibrant and the narrow depth of field look makes it dynamic. Very cool.
Cool build and speeder Oskar. If anything I feel like the speeder needs a bit more room to be showed off properly. The figs are great.
Nice build. I think an area to improve would be the tan free form - the changes in terrain are too sharp for my liking.
Classic gun emplacement shaping! Nice references to Legends. What could the society want with cloning technology??
Nice build. I like the brick wall starting to appear out of the rock. The statue has a nice pose - hugging a Sith to death? 😄