The Galaxy Map

The Factions RPG is based on the map below. This map will be used to decide which Grid, Systems, and Hyperspace Lanes are located in. If there are any changes or updates to official Star Wars canon, the map below will decide the game. However, an agreement between Faction Leaders may allow for some leniency as Factions transition their strategies.

General Access

You can build and earn XP and Credits in any system in the galaxy, but your Faction’s access determines where you can earn Resources and Influence to establish outposts, and grow your territory by controlling systems.

All builds earn XP and Credits. You can earn XP and Credits on any system in the galaxy, regardless of access.

Influence Access

Earning influence in a system requires access, which can be secured in a few different ways.

System Outpost (50IP)

Once you have earned 50IP in a system, you have successfully established an Outpost, and have gained access to all other systems in the same grid.

System Control (100IP)

Once you have earned 100IP in an uncontrolled system, you have successfully gained control of that system.

Grid Control (100-300 IP)

Once you control three systems in a grid (or all systems if there is only one or two systems in the grid), you control the Grid. Controlling a grid gives you access to build in any system in all 8 adjacent grids. Example: If you control grid O7, you may also build in N6, N7, N8, O6, O8, P6, P7, and P8.

Accessing Resources

You can access and earn Resource Points on any system in the galaxy, with only one exception. On systems controlled by another faction, you need the controlling faction’s permission in order to earn RP in their system.

Moving Resources

RPs are located in the system they are earned. In order to move resources from their system of origin to another system, you need a cargo fleet.

Fleet Access

As long as your faction has a fleet in a system, you may earn IP, RP, XP, and Credits in that system. The only exception being fleets engaged in combat. As long as a fleet is engaged in combat, that fleet cannot provide access to the system.