Rewards and Scores

The Factions game utilize four different kinds of points and currency. These four are earned and spend differently, and are used in different game situations.

Experience Points


Influence Points

Resource Points

Experience Points

Experience Points (XP) are points earned by a player, for a build entry that have been judged and scored. XP is tied to the player and tracks their progress through the game.

How a build entry is judged?

The primary factors for how many XP a build entry earns are build quality, creativity, originality, technique and piece use. Secondary factors are presentation, storytelling, and how well the entry represents a system’s characteristics and lore.


Credits are an in-game currency that can be used to purchase in-game elements like Fleets, and Upgrade Assets, as well as open trade between Factions.

Whenever a player earns XP for a build entry, the player’s faction earns the same amount of Credits, with a x1000 multiplier. For instance; if a player earns 16XP for a build entry, that player’s faction earns 16.000 Credits. Credits are located in the system where they have been earned, and can only be moved to another system or faction if you have a fleet in that system.

Influence Points

Influence Points (IP) determine how much influence a faction has in a system. The amount of influence a faction has in a system determines if the faction has established an Outpost (50IP), or if the faction controls the system (100IP), and in turn these decide what access the faction has to the surrounding systems, and what the faction can do in the system. IP can only be earned in systems a faction has access to.

Resource Points

Resource Points (RP) are points determining how many resources a faction has. Resources are needed for building Fleets, and developing new technology like Upgrade Assets.

Factions can earn RP in any system in the galaxy, with one exception. In systems controlled by another faction, the controlling faction must give permission for other factions to earn RP in the system. 

Using Resource Points

In order to use RP they must be added to a faction’s resource pool. There are two ways to add RP to a faction’s resource pool – either controlling the system in which the faction’s RP is located, or having a fleet in the system where the faction’s RP is located.

If a faction has RP on a system they don’t control, the only way to access and add those RP to their resource pool is by having a fleet in the system. Having a fleet in the system is also the only way to transfer RP or Credits to another faction.

Earning Influence and Resources

A build entry always earns XP and Credits, and either IP or RP under the right circumstances. If a build meets the requirements for earning either IP or RP, the faction leader must select whether the build earns IP or RP, when filling out the Build Submittal Form.